8x8greendot The Official Payment Integration for
ConnectWise PSA

Chasing payments shouldn't be part of your job.

But empowering all-sized businesses with a seamless payment solution, is ours. Skip sweating the small stuff, and get back to what matters most: Cash flow.


Automate your entire receivables, and skip the manual headaches.

Streamline your financial operations with WisePay, an all-encompassing solution, from invoicing through to payment collection and reconciliation.
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Get paid faster on your terms

It's no secret, cash flow is a make-or-break for any business. Set your payment terms and customize notifications to bolster your business growth.

Streamline your financial admin

Work efficiently with our fully integrated solution into a world of accounting systems, payment processors, quoting software, CRMs, PSAs, and more.

Be part of a trusted ecosystem

Experience the power of a secure payment platform backed by ConnectWise, a leading IT management and MSP technology software provider.

Accelerate your invoice-to-cash lifecycle

For each invoice you handle, it costs you significant time and money. With WisePay, slashing your accounts receivable workload is just the beginning.


Amplify your service-based business with drastically reduced operational costs, and in-depth financial visibility in real-time—and ultimately, position your business to scale with confidence.

$ 1.1 b+
$ 1.1 b+
Payments processed
140 k+
140 k+
Registered payers
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How we're transforming businesses just like yours

From scoring the Super Bowl, to bolstering an acquisition, discover how WisePay is helping all-sized businesses to overcome and succeed.

Build the solution stack your business needs.

WisePay effortlessly integrates into a world of market-leading tools to transform and streamline your processes, with PSAs, quoting platforms, accounting systems, and more.


For the essential info you need to know about WisePay products and billing.
What is WisePay and how does it work?
WisePay is an integrated payment processing platform that seamlessly couples with either ConnectWise PSA or Autotask PSA and your accounting package to entirely automate your invoice lifecycle.
Why use WisePay?

WisePay offers several benefits for businesses looking to streamline their payment processes:

  • End-to-End Automation: WisePay automates the entire invoice lifecycle, from creation to payment reconciliation, reducing manual tasks and saving time.
  • Seamless Integration: It integrates with various platforms like ConnectWise PSA, Datto Autotask PSA, Quickbooks Online and Xero, among others, making it easy for your customers to pay you, while allowing your invoices to automatically reconcile between your PSA and your accounting package.
  • Improved Cash Flow: By automating payments and reducing debtor days, WisePay helps businesses maintain better cash flow.
  • Customer Convenience: Customers can pay ad hoc invoices on demand via email links, and recurring payments can be handled automatically.
What happened to Wise-Sync?
Wise-Sync is the solution that integrated your PSA with your accounting package, keeping invoices in-sync. There is a lot of confusion around what the differences are between Wise-Sync and WisePay. To avoid this confusion, we are consolidating our brand. When you have WisePay, you can simply integrate your PSA with your accounting platform to automate the entire invoice lifecycle.
How can WisePay help your business with cashflow?

WisePay can significantly improve your business’s cash flow through several key features:

  • Automated Payments: By automating the entire invoice lifecycle, WisePay ensures that payments are processed promptly, reducing the time spent on manual invoicing and follow-ups.
  • Seamless Integration: It integrates with platforms like ConnectWise and QuoteWerks, making it easier for customers to pay invoices directly from these systems. This reduces delays and improves payment efficiency.
  • Recurring Payments: WisePay handles recurring payments automatically, ensuring that regular payments are never missed, which helps maintain a steady cash flow.
    On-Demand Payments: Customers can pay invoices on demand via email links, making it convenient for them to settle their dues quickly.
  • Reduced Debtor Days: By streamlining the payment process and reducing the need for manual intervention, WisePay helps reduce debtor days, ensuring that your business receives payments faster.
  • Improved Cash Flow Management: With real-time tracking and reporting, you can monitor your cash flow more effectively and make informed financial decisions.
How easy is WisePay to set up and start using?

Setting up and starting with WisePay is a breeze! Once you sign up, our expert team will guide you through the merchant application process, ensuring you have all the tools needed for a successful onboarding. Our friendly Onboarding & Consulting Team is always available to provide extra support if needed.

After your account is set up and your customers are imported into WisePay, they can store their preferred payment method for automatic payments. This makes managing payments seamless and efficient for both you and your customers.

What payment methods can I accept through WisePay?

In North America, you can accept Visa, Mastercard, Amex & Discover and bank debit.

In Australia, you can accept Visa, Mastercard & Amex and bank debit; and in New Zealand, it’s Visa & Mastercard and bank debit.

What are the benefits for my customers using WisePay?

With a streamlined and modern onboarding process, your customers can effortlessly save their preferred payment method, accept the relevant Terms and Conditions and be set up for set and forget automatic payments.

For those who prefer to manage their invoices manually, WisePay allows your customers to save their preferred payment method for quicker checkouts. 
Once onboarded with WisePay, your customers can log in to WisePay to view all their invoices, both outstanding and paid. They can download copies of their invoices and make both single and batch payments directly through WisePay.

How does WisePay enhance security for transactions?
Mail fraud is real. Invoice scams are increasing. Let your customers securely view and pay their invoices to you through our secure online portal.
Who owns WisePay?
WisePay is a startup success story being acquired by ConnectWise in 2023. You can learn more about our story here.
How much does it cost?
Don’t pay for what you don’t need. Tell us a bit about your business goals and our Sales team can prepare their best offer. Please check our pricing page for more information.
What locations can I use WisePay?
WisePay is currently available for businesses based in the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. We are looking to expand into new markets soon. Your customers could be based anywhere in the world if they can pay by one of the payment methods you support through WisePay.



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